Salvian of Marseilles

Saluianus presbyter Massiliensis


Originally from Trier (or Cologne), born into a wealthy, even aristocratic family at the beginning of the 5th century, Salvian undoubtedly received there a good education in rhetoric and law. It is not known whether he was a Christian by birth. After his marriage to Palladia, born of pagan parents, and her conversion, they decided by mutual agreement to live in continence. After a stay as a monk in Lérins, around 420, where he shared with Hilary of Arles and Vincent of Lérins the task of instructing the sons of Eucher, including Salonius, he became a priest of the Church of Marseille, around 439. We know nothing of his pastoral activity. He died after 470.

Salvian of Marseilles
Birth date ?

Né à Trèves ou Cologne, au début du Ve siècle.

Death date ?
Activity Marseille
Group of authors Gaul (up to the 8th century)