Anthelmus of Chignin

Anthelmus Bellincensis


Anthelme of Belley, or of Chignin, was born in Savoy in 1107. A canon at Belley and then Geneva, he became a Carthusian at Portes in 1136 and then at Grande-Chartreuse, where he became cellarer before returning to Portes, where he was elected prior in 1139. He was consecrated bishop of Belley in 1163, an office in which he died in 1178. 

Two letters can clearly be attributed to him. The first was a refusal of his correspondent's request to consult the Coutumes de Chartreuse. The second is addressed to King Louis VII and mentions his visit to Grande-Chartreuse.

Anthelmus of Chignin
Birth date
Death date (Belley)
Group of authors Western Middle Ages (11th-14th century)