Caesarius (Pseudo-)

Caesarius (Ps.)


Sous le nom de Césaire, frère cadet de Grégoire de Nazianze, nous sont parvenus quatre livres de Questiones et Responsiones, écrit sans doute après la mort de Théodora (548). Il est possible que son auteur ait été un moine du couvent constantinopolitain des Acémètes.


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Caesarius of Arles (470 ? - 543)

Born around 470, Caesarius was first a monk in Lérins, before he was ordained a priest and then Bishop of Arles (in 503). He held the episcopal seat for 40 years, until his death in 542, a period marked by several barbarian invasions. He played an important role in the councils of the Bishops of Provence, over which he presided in Arles (524), Carpentras (527), Orange and Vaison (529), and Marseille (533).

Caesarius (Pseudo-)
Birth date ?
Death date ?
Activity Constantinople
Group of authors Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople)