John Damascene (?)

Iohannes Damascenus (?)


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John of Damascus (650 ? - 754 ?)

Born around 650 into a Christian family, he succeeded his father for a few years in the financial administration of the Caliph, then retired after 700 to the monastery of St. Sabas, near Jerusalem. Ordained a priest by John, Patriarch of Jerusalem, he defended the use of religious images. He died at an advanced age (in around 750), leaving a huge body of work. Author of the Fount of Wisdom, the Sacra Parallela and liturgical poems, traditionally he marks the end of the patristic era.

John Damascene (Pseudo-) (650 ? - 750 ?)
John Damascene (?)
Birth date ?
Death date ?
Group of authors Palestine and Cyprus (including Gaza)