Author(s) Name Clavis Abbreviation Quotations
Ephrem the Greek Sermo de uirtutibus et uitiis CPG 3905 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Reprehensio sui ipsius atque Confessio CPG 3906 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Ad euersionem superbiae CPG 3907 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo compunctorius CPG 3908 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo asceticus 1 CPG 3909 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Ad imitationem prouerbiorum CPG 3910 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Ad correctionem eorum qui uitiose uiuunt et honores appetunt CPG 3912 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Reprehensio sui ipsius et Confessio CPG 3913 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek De passionibus animi CPG 3914 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek De paenitentia CPG 3915 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek De compunctione CPG 3916 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo compunctorius CPG 3917 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo alius compunctorius CPG 3918 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo paraeneticus CPG 3919 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek ln secundum aduentum d. n. I. C. CPG 3920 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo in patres defunctos CPG 3921 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo alius in patres defunctos CPG 3922 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek De timore animarum CPG 3925 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Hypomnesticon, siue Epistula CPG 3927 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Quomodo anima cum lacrymis debeat orare deum, quando tentatur CPG 3928 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Confessio et precatio ad deum CPG 3929 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek De uirtute, nouitium monachum (capita quatuor) CPG 3930 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek De uirtute (capita X) CPG 3931 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek ln illud : Attende tibi ipsi (Dt. 15, 9) (capita XII) CPG 3932 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Quod non oporteat ridere et extolli, sed plangere potius et nos ipsos CPG 3933 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Consilium de uita spiritali, ad monachum nouitium ( capita XCVI) CPG 3934 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Beatitudines CPG 3935 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Capita centum. Quomodo quis humilitatem sibi comparet CPG 3936 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek ln uitam beati Abrahamii et neptis eius Mariae CPG 3937 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo in pulcherrimum Joseph CPG 3938 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo in transfigurationem domini et dei salvatoris nostri Iesu Christi CPG 3939 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek De iudicio et compunctione CPG 3940 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek De recta uiuendi ratione (capita XC) CPG 3941 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermones paraenetici ad monachos Aegyptii CPG 3942 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Epistula ad loannem monachum de patientia CPG 3943 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo in secundum aduentum d. n. I. C. CPG 3944 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo de communi resurrectione, de paenitentia et de caritate... CPG 3945 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo in aduentum domini, et de consumatione saeculi, et in aduentum Christi CPG 3946 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Testamentum CPG 3947 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo in pretiosam et uiuificam crucem, et in secundum aduentum CPG 3948 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo aduersus haereticos CPG 3949 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek De morbo linguae et prauis affectibus CPG 3950 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Encomium in magnum Basilium CPG 3951 MonBibEccl1.1.1 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo in mulierem peccatricem, quae unguento dominum unxit CPG 3952 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Encomium in gloriosos martyres, qui in toto mundo martyrium sunt... CPG 3953 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek In Abraham et Isaac A CPG 3954 PG56 0
Ephrem the Greek In Abraham et Isaac CPG 3954 MERCATI 0
Ephrem the Greek Sermo in Danielem prophetam, et in sanctos tres pueras ; et in eum CPG 3955 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek Fragmenta in Genesim CPG 3958 ASSEMANI 0
Ephrem the Greek De patientia CPG 3959 ASSEMANI 0