Former collaborations
From 1965 to 2000 the following worked at the CADP: Jean Allenbach, André Benoît, Daniel A. Bertrand, Annie Hanriot-Coustet, Eric Junod, Pierre Maraval, André Pautler, Pierre Prigent, Madeleine Scopello, Françoise Vinel, and Thierry Ziegler. Fathers Jean Duplacy, Jean Fleury, J. Pradel, and Georges Valayer, external collaborators of the CADP, also regularly contributed to the preparation of the Biblia Patristica volumes. Many of their quotation lists were in the archive boxes which the CADP entrusted to Sources Chrétiennes.
Manual entry of about 600,000 references from the CADP archives (2012-2017)
The data entry from the archives was mainly carried out by Jacqueline Picard (213,000) and Enguerrand Lepère (125,000). The tasks were coordinated by Laurence Mellerin.
Some trainees or volunteers also contributed: Kossay Al-Cheikh Amine, Samaher Alhaj, Julie Allardon, Camille Bézier, Damien Biston, Bastien Bras de Fer, Fabiola Caceres, Alexandre Canellis (21,000), Clément Crosnier (32,000), Olivier Defaux, Odile Dubreucq, Pierre Guilbaut, Anas Khalaf, Clément Mellerin, Mathilde Mellerin, Roger Miollan (24,000), Sisters of Bethléem, Jouques, Rosans, Giorgia Paroni (35,000), Luce et Jean-Laurent Savoye (20,000), Romain Touron, and Mariam Slimoun-Alsaleem. In addition, some members of the Sources Chrétiennes team contributed: Smaranda Badilita, Isabelle Brunetière (14,000), Yasmine Ech Chael, Monique Furbacco, Dominique Gonnet – in collaboration with Noël Grange, Élisabeth Métayer, Catherine Bourassin (16,000) –, Marie-Gabrielle Guérard, Bernard Meunier, Blandine Sauvlet, and Dominique Tinel.
In 2023, Alice Leflaëc completed and normalised all of Jerome's data.
Biblical correspondences
The alignment of the biblical texts was mainly carried out by Clément Crosnier and Laurence Mellerin (2014-2015), with the collaboration of Guillaume Bady, Dominique Bertrand, Isabelle Brunetière, Yasmine Ech Chael, Monique Furbacco, Camille Gerzaguet, Dominique Gonnet, Bernard Meunier, Jean Reynard, Blandine Sauvlet, and Catherine Syre.
IT development
Sept 2008 - Dec 2012: Piérick Mellerin (first version of the website);
Sept 2012-August 2013: Samuel Gesche, postdoc supervised by Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond and Sylvie Calabretto, LIRIS (development of the Greek Reuse Toolkit and the LemGreek, ancient Greek lemmatizer);
May-Aug 2013: Pierre-Louis Centonze (models of geovisualization interfaces, LIG);
Sept 2013- Aug 2014: Thomas Leysens, under the supervision of Paule-Annick Davoine, LIG (postdoc on spatio-temporal representation of data);
Jan-March 2016: A. Audouard (improvement of the geovizualisation interface, LIG);
July 2013 - April 2016: David Goudard (first version of the Bible parser and the Bible correspondence parser);
2016: Élysabeth Hue-Gay, in collaboration with Yasmine Ech Chael and Laurence Mellerin (XML-TEI encoding test on a few samples chosen from Bernard of Clairvaux’s works);
Summer 2017: Lou Cécille, Charles Bourdot, trainees working under the supervision of Élysabeth Hue-Gay on TEI-encoding procedures for the textual corpus.
Scientific advisors
Throughout the duration of ANR funding (2011-2015), the scientific committee was composed of the following members: Laurent Basanese, Gilbert Dahan, Cécile Dogniez, Benoît Gain, Jean-Claude Haelewyck, Hugh Houghton, Nikolai Kiel, Guy Lobrichon, Bernard Outtier, Athanasios Paparnakis, Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, and Bas ter Haar Romeny.