The work carried out will lead to the constitution of a data set, exploited in the digital and the printed editions as annotations and apparatus: the links between all the identified patristic places where Hebrew names appear, particularly in Jerome’s works, and the corresponding biblical references. These data sets are in a triple relationship with the MySQL base of BiblIndex: they are based on the biblical and patristic references which already exist there; they will be stored in this base in a systematic way; they are likely to supplement and specify biblical quotations already listed in BiblIndex.
We aim at the optimal linking between the digital edition and the metadata of the BiblIndex database; the enrichment of the BiblIndex data by the work done in Jerihna; the development of innovative forms of visualisation of the Jerihna data coupled with those of BiblIndex; the development of a collaborative platform to continue, after the end of the ANR funding, the enrichment of BiblIndex and Jerihna regarding the medieval reception of Jerome's etymologies.
1. Linking the digital edition to the metadata stored in BiblIndex
We wish to describe in only one place the data related to the authors, the works and the biblical text and intend to take advantage of the patristic works nomenclature already available in BiblIndex, where each biblical verse and each patristic work benefit from a unique and perennial URI. Furthermore, we do not want to overload the XML files of the digital edition and will favour a system of links to the metadata. Thus, all the data relating to the sources and reuses of Hieronymian etymologies will be stored in the BiblIndex database: a permanent URI will be assigned to each one, and the XML files will link to it. As searches are carried out, the data collected will be systematically entered into the database, via the specific interfaces provided for this purpose in the back-office of the BiblIndex site. In this way, a repository of the source data that gave rise to the conclusions of the seminar will be created. Interested researchers will be able to verify them "on the spot". This Jerihna-specific data will be interoperable with the Biblissima+ repositories used by its portal and its technological bricks.
Moreover, at the end of the project, all the patristic sources considered for the annotation of the critical edition will have been indexed in the database, constituting a reusable data set for other projects interested in Hebrew names. This set will be a deliverable available by API, with a license for reuse and scientific documentation on the treatments, the provenance, the modelling choices. It will be saved on the BiblIndex’ Zenodo community.
2. Enrichment of BiblIndex by Jerihna
The data collected will be made available not only in the digital edition, but also on the BiblIndex interfaces. When an Internet user searches for a biblical reference that contains a Hebrew name in the BiblIndex search form (approximately three thousand verses concerned), he/she will be offered a link to the information concerning this name in the critical edition of Jerome's treatise.
3. Visualisation of intertextuality phenomena, in particular Hebrew name reuses
We aim to visualise the occurrences on statistical graphs and dynamic maps, also showing their temporal evolution. These tools will be based on the organisation of authors and works in the BiblIndex database into historical and geographical clusters and will allow a better understanding of the originality and impact of Jerome's work. The methodology and scripts developed could be reused on other corpora.
4. Setting up a collaborative workflow for the project’s continuation
At the end of the Jerihna project, many aspects of the reception of Jerome’s work will remain to be explored. In addition, the feedback from Internet users of the digital edition will suggest corrections or additions to be integrated. The Sources Chrétiennes team will be able to intervene manually in the XML files of the digital edition and in the BiblIndex database as far as corrections are concerned; however, given their potential extent, a complementary solution is necessary for considering new occurrences. A workflow will therefore be set up on the BiblIndex site, allowing each Internet user to become a contributor by proposing occurrences of Hebrew names that he or she has spotted in corpora not yet processed by Jerihna. For each biblical reference linked to one or more Hebrew names, an input form will be proposed. In this way, the project can continue to be enriched as the BiblIndex site is consulted, and the workflow developed can be used for other aspects of BiblIndex.