Name Birth date Death date Groups of authors Works Quotations
Sabas the monk ? Hagiography (Greek Area) 1 73
Sabbas the monk ? ? Palestine and Cyprus (including Gaza), Liturgy (Greek Area) 1 0
Salvian of Marseilles ? ? Gaul (up to the 8th century) 0 0
Scarila ? ? Africa 1 0
Secundinus ? ? British Isles 1 0
Sedulius Scotus ? ? Western Middle Ages (Carolingian authors) 0 0
Serapio Antiochenus ? ? Antioch, Syria 2 1
Serapion of Thmuis ? ? Alexandria 6 0
Serapion of Thmuis (Pseudo-) ? ? Anonyma 1 0
Sergius I ? ? Italy (3rd-7th century) 0 0
Sergius of Constantinople ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 3 0
Sergius of Constantinople (?) ? ? Anonyma 1 0
Sergius the Grammarian ? ? Syriac world, Antioch, Syria 4 0
Serlo of Savigny ? Western Middle Ages (11th-14th century) 0 0
Severian of Gabala ? ? Antioch, Syria 31 0
Severian of Gabala (?) ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 5 0
Severus of Antioch ? ? Syriac world, Antioch, Syria 42 0
Severus of Antioch (?) ? ? Syriac world 1 0
Severus of Antioch (Pseudo-) ? ? Antioch, Syria 1 0
Sextus Julius Africanus ? ? Alexandria, Palestine and Cyprus (including Gaza) 4 253
Shenoute ? ? Alexandria 1 0
Sidonius Apollinaris Gaul (up to the 8th century) 0 0
Simesios of Cyrene ? ? Alexandria 11 0
Smaragdus of St. Mihiel ? ? Western Middle Ages (Carolingian authors) 0 0
Socrates Scholasticus ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople), Greek historians 1 0
Sophronius of Jerusalem ? Palestine and Cyprus (including Gaza) 14 0
Sophronius of Jerusalem (?) ? ? Palestine and Cyprus (including Gaza), Anonyma 3 0
Sophronius of Jerusalem (Pseudo-) ? ? Palestine and Cyprus (including Gaza), Anonyma 9 0
Sozomenus ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople), Greek historians 1 0
Stagirios sophista 0 0
Stephanus de Chalmeto ? Western Middle Ages (11th-14th century) 0 0
Stephen I ? Italy (3rd-7th century) 1 0
Stephen of Heracleopolis ? ? Africa 1 0
Stephen of Hierapolis ? ? Antioch, Syria 1 0
Stephen the deacon of Constantinople ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople), Hagiography (Greek Area) 1 0
Strategius ? ? Palestine and Cyprus (including Gaza) 4 0
Successus of Diocesarea ? ? Antioch, Syria 2 0
Suger ? Western Middle Ages (11th-14th century) 0 0
Sulpice Severus (Pseudo-) ? ? Gaul (up to the 8th century) 1 0
Sulpicius Severus ? Gaul (up to the 8th century) 4 0
Symeon of Thessalonica ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 0 0
Symeon Stylitus the Younger Antioch, Syria 2 0
Symeon the New Theologian Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 0 0
Symeon the Studite ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 0 0
Synod of Carthage ? ? Africa, Councils Acts and Canons 1 0