Anonyma apocrypha, Acta Petri coptica (CG 6,1) (AC.PT.3)


Title Acta Petri coptica (CG 6,1)
Latin title Acta Petri coptica (CG 6,1)

éd. R. McL. WILSON, D. M. PARROTT, The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles, dans Nag Hammadi Codices V,2-5 and VI

Authors Anonyma apocrypha (100 ? - 599 ?)
Language Greek
Transmission languages Coptic
Period 101-300
Clavis CPG1195
Themes Apocrypha
Genres Acts
Keywords Peter, Acts

CPG dit : Actes de Pierre et des douze apôtres
CANT 207


Name Nag Hammadi Studies 11
Publishing house Brill
Pages 205-229
Year 1979
Biblia Patristica volume BPMA
Contributors Robert Mcl. WILSON


  • [JB] Mt 10:8
  • [JB] Mt 10:8
  • [JB] Mt 16:16-18
  • [JB] Mt 19:27
  • [JB] Mt 28:16-17

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contained in
Anonyma apocrypha, Acta Petri (AC.PT)