Cyril of Alexandria, Fragmenta homiliae de uno filio (HOM.FI)


Title Fragmenta homiliae de uno filio
Latin title Fragmenta homiliae de uno filio
Authors Cyril of Alexandria (370 ? - 444)
Language Greek
Transmission languages Greek
Period 412-444
Clavis CPG5267
Themes Dogma
Genres Homily
Keywords Only son


Name PUSEY P.E., Cyrilli archiepiscopi Alexandrini [opera]
Date 1868-1965
Publishing house Clarendon Press
Volumes 7
Pages 452-454
Biblia Patristica volume BP0


  • [JB] 1 K 18:21
  • [JB] Ps 118:25-26
  • [JB] Ps 8:3
  • [JB] Is 11:10
  • [JB] Is 7:14

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contained in
Cyril of Alexandria, Homiliae

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nmissing in the Patrology