Name Birth date Death date Groups of authors Works Quotations
Pachomius ? ? Alexandria 3 0
Pachomius (Pseudo-) ? ? Alexandria 2 0
Pacian ? ? Spain 4 0
Palaestinori episcopi ? ? Palestine and Cyprus (including Gaza) 1 0
Palladius of Aspuna (of Helenopolis) ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 3 0
Pamphilus of Caesarea ? Palestine and Cyprus (including Gaza) 2 403
Pamphilus the Theologian ? ? Palestine and Cyprus (including Gaza) 2 0
Pantoleon ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 1 0
Papias of Hierapolis ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 1 37
Paschasius Dumiensis 0 0
Paschasius Radbertus ? Western Middle Ages (Carolingian authors) 0 0
Patres Lerinses ? ? Gaul (up to the 8th century) 0 0
Patrick ? ? British Isles 0 0
Paul II of Constantinople ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 1 0
Paul II of Constantinople (?) ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 2 0
Paul of Antioch ? ? Antioch, Syria 8 0
Paul of Emesa ? ? Antioch, Syria 5 0
Paul of Samosata (Pseudo-) ? ? Antioch, Syria 1 0
Paul the Deacon ? ? Western Middle Ages (Carolingian authors) 0 0
Paul the Persian ? ? Antioch, Syria 1 0
Paul the Silentiary ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 2 0
Paulin of Tyre ? ? Palestine and Cyprus (including Gaza) 1 0
Paulinus Antiochenus ? ? Antioch, Syria 1 0
Paulinus episcopus Bitterensis (?) ? ? Gaul (up to the 8th century) 1 0
Paulinus II of Aquileia ? ? Western Middle Ages (Carolingian authors) 0 0
Paulinus of Milan ? ? Italy (3rd-7th century) 0 0
Paulinus of Nola ? Italy (3rd-7th century) 2 0
Paulinus of Nola (?) ? ? Italy (3rd-7th century) 2 0
Paulinus of Nola (Ps.) ? ? Italy (3rd-7th century) 1 0
Paulinus of Pella ? ? Gaul (up to the 8th century) 2 0
Paulinus of Périgueux ? ? Gaul (up to the 8th century) 4 0
Paulus Callinicus ? ? Unknown place, Antioch, Syria 1 0
Paulus Orosius ? ? Spain 3 0
Paulus Orosius (?) ? ? Spain 1 0
Pelagius ? ? Italy (3rd-7th century) 3 0
Pelagius (?) ? ? Italy (3rd-7th century) 1 0
Pelagius (Ps.) ? Italy (3rd-7th century) 9 0
Peter Chrysologus of Ravenna ? Italy (3rd-7th century) 0 0
Peter Damian Western Middle Ages (11th-14th century) 0 0
Peter I of Alexandria ? ? Alexandria 11 215
Peter I of Alexandria (?) ? ? Alexandria 8 94
Peter II of Alexandria ? ? Alexandria 2 0
Peter II of Alexandria (?) ? ? Alexandria 1 0
Peter III of Alexandria (Pierre Monge) ? ? Alexandria 1 0
Peter of Celle ? Western Middle Ages (11th-14th century) 0 0
Peter of Myra ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 1 0
Peter of Sebaste ? ? Greece, Minor Asia (including Constantinople) 1 0
Peter the monk ? ? Hagiography (Greek Area) 1 239
Peter the Venerable ? Western Middle Ages (11th-14th century) 0 0
Petrus Callinicensis 0 0